There has been a real buzz this morning as we welcomed back so many students to celebrate their A level results and to provide advice and guidance on their next steps.
Together with parents, families and staff at the school we have been able to celebrate and acknowledge the tremendous achievements of all our young people for their dedication and commitment over the last few years.
Important context regarding these results
This group of students were in Year 9 beginning their GCSEs when Covid hit and more recently at the start of their A level journey had to overcome disruption from the national Teacher strikes, the Queen’s funeral and King’s coronation.
Considering the disruptions and challenges that our students have faced over the last few years they have worked extremely hard and demonstrated great determination and commitment to their studies. They deserve the highest recognition and rewards in progression to their next steps.
With regards to marking and grading of these exams - everything is completely back to normal after last year, there are no exceptions or grading adjustments, it is based entirely on what students know and have learnt.
Sharon Davidson, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form said
“Our A level leavers will have experienced a frisson in the build up to today (whether scared or excited!) and all will be relieved to now be free to consider and choose their next steps.
We urge our students to remember that regardless of exam results, they are equipped to make choices, to try new paths and to recognise the merits of all they have learnt about themselves in the last year in particular.
These wonderful young people have immense capacity and potential. They should all be proud of their many achievements and successes.Congratulations and good wishes to all families and superstar teens.”
I would like to convey my sincerest thanks to all of the staff who have worked tirelessly over the years to support our students and I would also like to convey my sincerest thanks to our parents and carers who have provided fantastic support to their children over the years and in particular have had to guide them through a extremely challenging time, together with the brilliant efforts of our young people they are celebrating an excellent set of results and most importantly are progressing to their next exciting adventures.
We wish all of our Year 13 students every success with their next steps and we look forward to hearing from them in the future on how they are getting on.
Good luck!
Dan Roberts
Additional information:
The Department for Education has published an article providing advice on clearing, apprenticeships, and other post-results issues, which our students may find useful. It is available here.
This link also offers some useful action steps: FutureLearn https://futurelearn.com/info/blog/how-to-make-the-most-out-of-results-day