It is that time of year again where the exam season is nearly complete and we are ready for Curriculum Enrichment Week.
Thank you to Mrs Rasmussen, Mrs Donnelly and all staff who are leading trips and activities over the next week.
Please follow #DHSBCEW each day for updates and photos.
School Physicist of the Year
Many congratulations to Robert Waddy who received his award as School Physicist of the Year at the University of Exeter this week.
Maths Team National Finals
Well done also to our Junior Maths Team Challenge who travelled to London for the national finals finishing in 37th place (88 teams took part).
Greenpower Race Series
For the last two years a dedicated group of Engineering students have been building an electric car to take part in the Greenpower race series. On Thursday the team of 12 boys from Years 7 – 11 travelled to Newquay Airport to compete in the Regional Heat against 38 other schools.
Cars race for 90 minutes and drivers change twice in the pit lane. Our car, ‘Avanti’, came fifth in the first race and fourth in the second which far exceeded our expectations for our first competition.
Mr Ames said, “We were delighted to receive the trophy for Best Newcomer”.
Congratulations to Harry Thomas, Harry Kibblewhite and Oliver Carty for driving and to Callum Lyons, Vincent Stevens, Ben Adams, Joshua Moyse, Jake Cotton, Cameron Hart, William Coulson, Harry Kavanagh, Peter Clifford, Christopher Villaquiirin, Peter Higman and George Irving for the design and construction.
Thanks also to Chris Luscombe and Charlotte Bundy from Babcock who helped the students with their design and Paul Shiel and his team from the Royal Navy who welded the chassis and transported the car to Newquay.
Bronze Expeditions
Mr Huq reports that almost 100 students have completed their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award bronze assessed expedition.
Expeditions took place over two weekends and students were supported by members of DHSB staff and a team from Dynamic Adventures.
All students were successful and have been described by Dynamic Adventures as some of the “strongest teams we have seen in the last few years on Dartmoor”.
Rocket Science
If you would like to know the outcome of the Rocket Science experiment then please look out for the next edition of DHSB Today where we’ll be publishing the results (as revealed by astronaut Tim Peake).
Mock EU Referendum
If you have been following the EU Referendum news today then you’ll be interested to see the results of our DHSB mock referendum.
Our Digital Leaders created a digital voting system for students and this morning have shared this link for us to view the overall and detailed results.
Sports Update
In sports news we’re pleased to report our U15 and U13 teams became Plymouth Schools Champions this week.
I’m also pleased to share some images from our Year 8 house cricket tournament which took place during the Chance2Shine National Cricket Week.
Future Events
Monday 27 June – Friday 1 July
Curriculum Enrichment Week
Wednesday 6 July from 17.00
Open Evening (for Year 4 & 5 families)
Saturday 9 July from 14.30
DHSB@120 Celebrations
Click on this image to book your place.
Wednesday 13 July
Sports Day
Friday 15 July
Summer Festival
Wednesday 20 July
Final day of the Summer Term