Our summer Curriculum Enrichment Week provides a brilliant opportunity for our students to experience activities together outside our normal school timetable.
This year we offered eight residential trips involving over 400 students away for a week with destinations including Sicily, Geneva, Paris (two groups), Málaga, Barcelona, Cornwall and Gloucestershire!
Meanwhile 250 students were involved in a myriad of daily activities including skiing, paintball, laser tag, climbing, game design, karting, wakeboarding, deep sea fishing, wargames, golf and many more besides.
Last but not least 25 students have been using the time for work experience with a number of local employers.
Thank you!
A big thank you to Mr Coombes, Miss Jensen and Mrs Rasmussen for leading on a very successful week and special thanks also to all staff that led and supported the residentials and activities all week.
I’m extremely proud of how hard all our staff work with the detailed planning, preparation and during the activities to give our students such wonderful experiences.
The time students and staff spend together is fantastic for developing their relationships and the joy experienced is enriching for all and hopefully creates lifelong memories.
Our community is extremely fortunate to have these experiences and I am grateful to our staff, students and to you, our families, for all working together to make it happen.
We’ve enjoyed sharing our photos at the X hashtag #dhsbcew. Below is a small selection showing this week’s adventures but please check the hashtag for more fabulous images and updates as it’s not possible to include all our activities here.
Pictured are just some of our daily activities

Work Experience Placements

Eight fabulous residentials




Paris 1

Paris 2


Surf's Up

We enjoyed beautiful weather and stunning scenery

And of course, our staff had lots of fun too!