What a brilliant week!
Curriculum Enrichment Week 2019 saw over 350 students on residentials across six countries and nearly 400 students on daily activities.
A big thank you to staff and students for such a wonderful week and special thanks to Mr Coombes, Mrs Donnelly and Mrs Rasmussen who make it all possible.
This year our residentials took us to Bushcraft, Barcelona, Lisbon, Amsterdam, Cornwall, Sicilly, Geneva and Pembrokshire. We also sailed around the Cornish coast.
Here are just a few of the positive comments we have received:-
“I’ve been blown away by the photos of all the amazing things the boys have been given the opportunity to do this week. Hats off to the brilliant staff who made it all happen for them”
“My son is in year 7 and I can’t believe what he’s got to look forward to in years to come. Amazing school and staff”
“Boys have been exceptional this week. A great credit”
“Boys conducted themselves with the utmost politeness and courtesy”
“Students are confident in their communication skills”


Barcelona sports tour

Lisbon sports tour


Surfing in Sennen




Geography fieldwork in Pembrokshire
We also enjoyed many daily activities as this next set of photos show. Please scroll through our Twitter hashtag #dhsbcew to see the full extent of our adventures.

From some students this was a week for work experience. Here is Daniel working at PC World-Carphone Warehouse at Marsh Mills gaining great experience in customer service, business and retail.

Year 13 students enjoyed their prom on Wednesday evening.

And, as always, our staff had a lot of fun during the week too…

Future Events
Open Evening
Families with a child in Year 4 or Year 5 are invited to our Open Evening at 16.30pm on Tuesday 9 July. I will be talking about admission arrangements and there will be opportunities to meet staff and students in subject areas.
Refreshments will be provided in Refuel where senior members of staff will be available to answer any questions you may have.
Art Exhibition
During the evening you will be able to view our Art Exhibition.
Artwork created by students will be on display in the Art rooms from 16.30 – 19.00.

And Then There Were None
We’d also like to invite you to our student-led production of Agatha Christie’s ‘And Then There Were None’ which will be staged in the Edgcumbe Theatre at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 July and Thursday 11 July.
Rehearsals are going well and you can order tickets by phoning the school on 01752 208787.