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7 July 2023

We've enjoyed welcoming staff and students back to school after Curriculum Enrichment Week last week.

It's been fantastic to catch up and hear about their adventures.

This week we were sorry to have to postpone Sports Day but in view of the heavy rain in the afternoon, this was the right decision.

Sports Day will now take place on Thursday 14 September 2023.

Open Evening

Our open evening this year will be held on Tuesday 11 July 2023 at 4:30pm.

There is no requirement to register for this event and all Year 4 and Year 5 families are welcome to attend.

I will talk about the school and the arrangements for admission, and there will be an opportunity to see classrooms and meet students and members of staff.

Please note there is very limited parking at the school; if you are attending please park off site if possible.

Till Death Do Us Part

Year 12 student Rudi Gibbs is presenting his own work during three evening performances in the Edgcumbe Theatre next week on 10, 12 and 14 July 2023.

Rudi says this dramatic production will leave you on the edge of your seats. A two part play with an interval, this may not be suitable for under 12years old. Tickets will be free to reserve from the DHSB Shop and donations toward the production will be taken at the end of the night in cash.

Doors will open at 6:00pm and the finish time is 8:15pm.

We wish Rudi every success with his endeavours. Please support him if you can.

Recycling School Uniform

We are really keen to promote sustainable action and we are pleased to offer two ways of recycling school uniform.

If you would like to trade school related items, such as uniform and books, with other families you can make use of the Facebook group called DHSB Swaps Sales and Shares. The group has been running for five years and has over five hundred members.

Also, DHSB will have an online shop of pre-loved clothing next year.

The online shop will advertise all items of school wear, branded and generic, which can be paid for through My Child at School (MCAS). All funds made through the shop will go towards the school. Anyone can donate their old kit to the school by bringing it to reception, ideally clean and ready for use.

Thank you in advance and for your support.

PSHEE Activities

This is Diversity Week and all year groups had access to a lesson around diversity from the National Academy on respecting difference.for the Wednesday assembly slot.

On Friday Year 7 students continued with their STEPs booklets begun back in Autumn term, an interactive resource developing employability skills.

Year 8 students concentrated on healthy eating by devising new menu items for their favourite chain restaurant which fulfilled the criteria for the NHS Eatwell Plate

Year 9 students had a recorded assembly from Ms Davidson, Assistant Head Post-16, regarding aspirations, an introduction to DHSB Sixth Form and Oxbridge, and finally the Year 10 lesson was all about sleep - its importance to health and mental wellbeing as well as ideas to promote good sleep hygiene.

Several Year 10 students had no time for extra sleep as they went out on work experience placements last week and were kindly hosted by an eclectic mix of local employers including

Ford Community Gym. Plymouth Argyle FC, Clarity Wealth Management, Plymouth City Council Civil Enforcement, Rowe IT, Biovault Technical, Princess Yachts, and Plymouth Community Home.

All provided high quality experiences for our students, and have given us some excellent feedback. It was a pleasure to visit the students during the week and wonderful to receive such glowing praise.

"Exceeded my expectations"

"Excellent accuracy and quality in his work"

"Polite, well presented and worked well with the team"

"What an absolute star”

Students not only get to experience a real workplace but also many of them learned new life skills as well as those specific to the particular job role. Such a worthwhile experience for all, and massive thanks to the employers and employees who gave up their time so willingly to support our students.

So just two weeks of term to go now - more tutorial details in the Head's Blog next week.

Ms Moreton

Sports Update

Year 9 Cricket

Pictured is the Year 9 cricket side who unfortunately lost their match against Tavistock this week with two balls to spare.

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