What are you doing now?
I am the co-owner of several small to medium enterprises. Our focus is our Arts and Crafts business, LiveMoor and our Tea Company, Plymouth Tea. We also have a successful digital marketing agency called We Love Network, all based in our offices and distribution centre in Estover. I work from my home in Kent and split my time between Plymouth and London.
What route did you take up to this point?
When I left DHSB I went to Swansea University to study Mechanical Engineering but didn’t enjoy the course so ended up switching to Applied Sports Science. In 2004 I took a job in Digital Marketing in Plymouth which led me to London and subsequently setting up my first business in 2008 selling advertising online.
Any significant crossroads?
In 2008 I gave up a good job in London working for News Corporation and moved to Cornwall to set up my own business which was a big decision to make at the time. Being my own boss has been both the most exciting and most terrifying experience. It took several attempts to find the correct formula but I now have the freedom to manage my own time and balance my work commitments with my family life.
What have you learnt most about yourself?
That my will to succeed is more powerful than my fear of failure.
What words of wisdom would you give to a student joining DHSB in Year 7?
You have already made one of the best and most likely influential choices in your life – make the most of the opportunities, both academic and extra-curricular, but don’t worry if it takes some time to find your feet – everyone is in the same boat, some are just better at hiding it!
And for a Sixth Former leaving DHSB?
There are so many choices and opportunities it can be overwhelming. Of course, you need to consider your future but not knowing exactly what you want to do is okay. I’ve always followed my heart and never been afraid to make big changes in my life if I wasn’t happy.
Any fond memories of school you can share?
Fortunately, I have many fond memories, most involve sporting success and school trips. Generally, I just remember the school was a fun and enjoyable place to be. I still see some of my class-mates regularly which is great.
Do you have a message for any of your teachers?
I’d like to say thank you to any of my teachers who are still around. I read through my old reports recently and many comments echoed the same sentiments – if you try you will succeed – I frequently wish I had taken their advice on board a little earlier!