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Results & Destinations

Image of sixth form students from Devonport High School for Boys

KS5 results 2024


Students take three or four qualifications and the achievement of students at Key Stage 5 is outstanding. 


Percentage of A* - B grades 58%

Percentage of A* - A grades 31%

These results represent very high standards and give access to the top universities.




Useful links

Department for Education school and college performance tables

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said that direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years should not be made.

Image of 6th form and staff


Each year around 85% of our leavers go straight on to university to study their chosen course. Our highly experienced team of tutors and Heads of Year provide guidance to our Year 12 students to assist them in preparing their applications to UCAS.

DHSB has an excellent record of sending students to Oxbridge and medical schools. We continue to support our Gap year students in their applications the year after they leave us.

All students receive guidance on future careers from the school’s careers team – our aim is to ensure all boys and girls are fully prepared for their chosen path after they leave DHSB.

Examples of Sixth Form Destinations

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